"Tell me and I forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I learn." - Confucius Xunzi, 3rd century BC

2025-02-04 Garanteprivacy.it White Paper Rendere le informative privacy più comprensibili. Il legal design come approccio rivolto all'utente anno 2025
2024-09-10 Linkedin.com Droits Quotidiens Legal Design on LinkedIn: Abécédaire Legal Design K à O
< 1 min 😎 Cet été, Droits Quotidiens Legal Design et Manufaktura vous proposent un abécédaire du Legal Design qui met en lumière les principes essentiels pour rendre le droit plus humain, accessible et compréhensible grâce à des méthodes de design centrées sur l'utilis
2024-07-11 Civile.it Lussemburgo infografica sul diritto di accesso (legal design)
1 min ≡cookie La privacy dalla parte delle aziendecon spiegazioni semplici e operative, AI assistedOsservatorio a cura del dott. V. Spataro  128 - Pdf - modifica - cancella - Manda come newsletter - newsletterweek - login    diritto di accesso 2024-04-11 ·  NEW:   · · Cit
2024-07-11 Civile.it GPEN e ICPEN: Tecniche e Informative ingannevoli (e anche cookie banner)
3 min The full GPEN report IP Paper No. 6, The form of choices ---Submitted by Julie Beaumont on Tue, 07/09/2024 - 03:00(French follows)GPEN Sweep finds majority of websites and mobile apps use deceptive design to influence privacy choicesJuly 9, 2024A global privacy sweep that examin
2023-11-29 3iap.com Unfair Comparisons: How Visualizing Social Inequality Can Make It Worse
25 min TLDR3iap’s peer-reviewed research was accepted to IEEE VIS 2022 Social cognitive biases can significantly impact dataviz interpretation Charts showing social outcome disparities can promote harmful stereotypes about the people being visualized Showing within-group outcome var
2023-05-04 Linkedin.com David Rosenthal on LinkedIn: #dsg | 10 comments
< 1 min Welche Dokumente braucht es für das revidierte #DSG? Welche sind "nice to have", welche "good to have"? Wir werden das immer wieder gefragt. Hier unsere Aufstellung: https://lnkd.in/d7eiFAR6. Es gibt dabei Abweichungen von der DSGVO. Eine "Legitimate Interest Analysis" (LI
2023-05-03 Mll-news.com GDPR Fines: A Graphic Calculation Guide – Part 5
< 1 min MLL Legal is a leading Swiss law firm with a history that dates back to 1885. The firm has grown both organically and by means of strategic mergers, the latest of which took place on 1st July 2021 between Meyerlustenberger Lachenal and FRORIEP. The merger establishes MLL Le
2023-05-01 Linkedin.com Aku Nikkola on LinkedIn: #chatgpt #lawyers #legaltechnology
< 1 min Aku NikkolaPartner at Dot. | Co-Founder of Legal Design School5d Tip of the Day: Enhance privacy on ChatGPT in a snap! As a lawyer (or any professional), maintaining confidentiality is crucial when using ChatGPT for sensitive communication. By default, ChatGPT saves chat hi
2023-05-01 Linkedin.com Aku Nikkola on LinkedIn: #legaldesign #legaltechnology #lawyers | 136 comments
1 min Aku NikkolaPartner at Dot. | Co-Founder of Legal Design School5d Why are legal documents still A4 sized? Have you ever wondered why legal documents continue to be A4 or U.S. Legal-sized when most of them are now viewed on screens? The fact is, these sizes were never intended for
2023-03-01 Linkedin.com Nicola Mascotto on LinkedIn: Web accessibility: How are WCAG atructured?
2 min Nicola MascottoFreelance Web Designer • WordPress Front-End Developer • Graphic Designer • I design digital projects with UX in min d1d Rubrica Web Design + Accessibilità (ogni martedì) #49 - Come sono strutturate le WCAG? Usa #MartedìAccessibile per seguire la rubric
2022-12-01 Linkedin.com Cassandre Tinebra on LinkedIn: Legal Design around the world | 56 comments
1 min 🚨 CALL FOR COLLABORATION 🚨 Since a few weeks with Élisa Betoulle from the legal design studio Érini, we have been working on a new goal: to identify THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF LEGAL DESIGN STAKEHOLDERS WORLDWIDE.  Of course, we have already started our research. We invite yo
2022-11-25 Medium.com I’m a Visual Designer whose sight is not perfect anymore
5 min Federica FragapaneDec 13, 2018·5 min readHow almost losing the sight in my left eye had an impact on my design approach.In May I had the beautiful opportunity to give a talk at OpenVis 2018, where I shared my thoughts on data visualization and I talked about my personal approa
2022-11-14 Enisa.europa.eu Cybersecurity Threats Fast Forward 2030: Fasten your Security Belt Before the Ride!
4 min Press Release The infographic released today by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) highlights the top cybersecurity threats likely to emerge by 2030. Published on November 11, 2022 What are the TOP 10 emerging cybersecurity threats?Supply chain compromise of so
2022-10-09 Twitter.com Dario Ingiusto on Twitter: "I have submitted some of my works for @LEXPRESS to the @infobeautyaward 2022. Please take a look if you're interested : ) https://t.co/qJBae39ds1 https://t.co/qfvIFn85kE" / Twitter
< 1 min I have submitted some of my works for @LEXPRESS to the @infobeautyaward 2022. Please take a look if you're interested :-) https://informationisbeautifulawards.com/showcase/5746-l-express-infographic-portfolio-sonar…Bravo, vraiment un super boulotmerci ! 🙏Superbe trav
2022-08-10 Informationisbeautifulawards.com Thriller Vs. Rom Com — Information is Beautiful Awards
< 1 min This infographic is geared towards average moviegoers who enjoy watching movies, but may be unfamiliar with the specifics that go into their make-up (themes, sub-genres, the roles of characters, etc). It provides a comparison of thrillers and romantic comedies for those rea
2022-07-12 Fuorisalone.it I AGREE | Fuorisalone.it
1 min MAINSPONSOR 2022 Evento FocusDoveCittadella degli Archivi del Comune di Milano — Via Ferdinando Gregorovius, 15, MilanoMappaInvia emailVai al sitoMappa e indicazioniProgramma0/4 Giovedì1/4 Venerdì2/4 Sabato3/4 Domenica4/4 Lunedì5/4 Martedì6/4 Mercoledì7/4 Giovedì8/4 Vene
2021-11-25 Slaw.ca The Supreme Court Goes Graphical Slaw
8 min November 21 st 2021Comment Share Email Twitter Google+ Facebook LinkedIn Posted in: Substantive Law: Judicial Decisions The Supreme Court Goes Graphical by More posts by Omar » The Supreme Court of Canada plays a special role in our constitutional democracy, but it
2021-10-12 Acistampa.com La IV Giornata delle catacombe il 16 ottobre è dedicata al significato dei simboli
3 min Città del Vaticano, Musei Vaticani. Iscrizione con nave e faro, dettaglioFoto: PCASDi Angela AmbrogettiTorna anche quest’anno la Giornata delle Catacombe, l’appuntamento è per sabato 16 ottobre. In questa edizione l’attenzione è ai simboli che si trovano nelle Catacomb
2021-10-07 Hinderlingvolkart.github.io An bookmarklet that shows headings like a screenreader (Accessbility)
2 min h123 - An bookmarklet that shows headings like a screenreader (Accessbility) See the headings like a screenreader! Show Headings h①②③ H1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣ h❶❷❸ If you are a web developer, you might have heard of sectioning content. Those were introduced with articl