"Tell me and I forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I learn." - Confucius Xunzi, 3rd century BC

2024-07-11 Civile.it Lussemburgo infografica sul diritto di accesso (legal design)
1 min ≡cookie La privacy dalla parte delle aziendecon spiegazioni semplici e operative, AI assistedOsservatorio a cura del dott. V. Spataro  128 - Pdf - modifica - cancella - Manda come newsletter - newsletterweek - login    diritto di accesso 2024-04-11 ·  NEW:   · · Cit
2024-07-11 Civile.it GPEN e ICPEN: Tecniche e Informative ingannevoli (e anche cookie banner)
3 min The full GPEN report IP Paper No. 6, The form of choices ---Submitted by Julie Beaumont on Tue, 07/09/2024 - 03:00(French follows)GPEN Sweep finds majority of websites and mobile apps use deceptive design to influence privacy choicesJuly 9, 2024A global privacy sweep that examin
2023-10-20 Cnil.fr Commercial prospecting and rights of individuals: fine of 600,000 euros against GROUPE CANAL+ | CNIL
< 1 min Cookies management panelSome features of this website rely on services offered by third-party sites (twitter feed, videos).If you give your consent, these third-party sites will drop cookies that will allow you to visualize on our site content hosted by these third-parties,
2023-08-23 Codeproject.com Privacy Policy CodeProject
13 min Last updated: Wednesday, May 23, 2018CodeProject is committed to protecting your privacy and to developing technology that gives you the most powerful and secure online experience.This privacy statement explains data collection and use practices of CodeProject and CodeProject's
2023-05-03 Mll-news.com GDPR Fines: A Graphic Calculation Guide – Part 5
< 1 min MLL Legal is a leading Swiss law firm with a history that dates back to 1885. The firm has grown both organically and by means of strategic mergers, the latest of which took place on 1st July 2021 between Meyerlustenberger Lachenal and FRORIEP. The merger establishes MLL Le