"Tell me and I forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I learn." - Confucius Xunzi, 3rd century BC

2022-01-08 Air.unimi.it Microsoft Word document 2020 03 24T173421.247.doc
43 min 1 Margherita Ramajoli A PROPOSITO DI CODIFICAZIONE E MODERNIZZAZIONE DEL DIRITTO AMMINISTRATIVO I n Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto Pubblico, fasc.2, 2016 S ommario: 1. La codificazione come ricerca di razionalità e la speci alità del diritto am
2021-11-25 Slaw.ca The Supreme Court Goes Graphical Slaw
8 min November 21 st 2021Comment Share Email Twitter Google+ Facebook LinkedIn Posted in: Substantive Law: Judicial Decisions The Supreme Court Goes Graphical by More posts by Omar » The Supreme Court of Canada plays a special role in our constitutional democracy, but itâ€
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